::: µ¨ÆÄÀÌ Tip&Trick :::

µ¨ÆÄÀÌ Tip&Trick ¼º°Ý¿¡ ¸ÂÁö ¾Ê´Â ±¤°í,ºñ¹æ,Áú¹®ÀÇ ±ÛÀº Áï½Ã »èÁ¦Çϸç
³»¿ëÀ» º¹»çÇÏ¿© »ç¿ëÇÒ °æ¿ì ¹Ýµå½Ã ÀÌ°÷(http://www.howto.pe.kr)À» Ãâó·Î ¸í½ÃÇÏ¿© ÁÖ¼¼¿ä


  ±è¿µ´ë(2003-03-07 10:19:05, Hit : 5395, Vote : 1388
 CPU Á¾·ù ±¸Çϱâ

unit CpuId;


  TCpuType = (cpu8086, cpu80286, cpu386, cpu486, cpuPentium);

{ Return the type of the current CPU }
function CpuType: TCpuType;

{ Return the type as a short string }
function CpuTypeString: String;


uses SysUtils;

function CpuType: TCpuType; assembler;
  push DS

  { First check for an 8086 CPU }
  { Bits 12-15 of the FLAGS register are always set on the }
  { 8086 processor. }
  pushf            { save EFLAGS }
  pop bx           { store EFLAGS in BX }
  mov ax,0fffh     { clear bits 12-15 }
  and ax,bx        { in EFLAGS }
  push ax          { store new EFLAGS value on stack }
  popf             { replace current EFLAGS value }
  pushf            { set new EFLAGS }
  pop ax           { store new EFLAGS in AX }
  and ax,0f000h    { if bits 12-15 are set, then CPU }
  cmp ax,0f000h    { is an 8086/8088 }
  mov ax, cpu8086  { turn on 8086/8088 flag }
  je @@End_CpuType

  { 80286 CPU check }
  { Bits 12-15 of the FLAGS register are always clear on the }
  { 80286 processor. }
  or bx,0f000h     { try to set bits 12-15 }
  push bx
  pop ax
  and ax,0f000h    { if bits 12-15 are cleared, CPU=80286 }
  mov ax, cpu80286 { turn on 80286 flag }
  jz @@End_CpuType

  { To test for 386 or better, we need to use 32 bit instructions,
    but the 16-bit Delphi assembler does not recognize the 32 bit opcodes
    or operands.  Instead, use the 66H operand size prefix to change
    each instruction to its 32-bit equivalent. For 32-bit immediate
    operands, we also need to store the high word of the operand immediately
    following the instruction.  The 32-bit instruction is shown in a comment
    after the 66H instruction.

  { i386 CPU check }
  { The AC bit, bit #18, is a new bit introduced in the EFLAGS }
  { register on the i486 DX CPU to generate alignment faults. }
  { This bit can not be set on the i386 CPU. }

  db 66h           { pushfd }
  db 66h           { pop eax }
  pop ax           { get original EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { mov ecx, eax }
  mov cx,ax        { save original EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { xor eax,40000h }
  xor ax,0h        { flip AC bit in EFLAGS }
  dw 0004h
  db 66h           { push eax }
  push ax          { save for EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { popfd }
  popf             { copy to EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { pushfd }
  pushf            { push EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { pop eax }
  pop ax           { get new EFLAGS value }
  db 66h           { xor eax,ecx }
  xor ax,cx        { can't toggle AC bit, CPU=Intel386 }
  mov ax, cpu386   { turn on 386 flag }
  je @@End_CpuType

  { i486 DX CPU / i487 SX MCP and i486 SX CPU checking }
  { Checking for ability to set/clear ID flag (Bit 21) in EFLAGS }
  { which indicates the presence of a processor }
  { with the ability to use the CPUID instruction. }
  db 66h           { pushfd }
  pushf            { push original EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { pop eax }
  pop ax           { get original EFLAGS in eax }
  db 66h           { mov ecx, eax }
  mov cx,ax        { save original EFLAGS in ecx }
  db 66h           { xor eax,200000h }
  xor ax,0h        { flip ID bit in EFLAGS }
  dw 0020h
  db 66h           { push eax }
  push ax          { save for EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { popfd }
  popf             { copy to EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { pushfd }
  pushf            { push EFLAGS }
  db 66h           { pop eax }
  pop ax           { get new EFLAGS value }
  db 66h           { xor eax, ecx }
  xor ax, cx
  mov ax, cpu486   { turn on i486 flag }
  je @@End_CpuType { if ID bit cannot be changed, CPU=486}
                   { without CPUID instruction functionality }

  { Execute CPUID instruction to determine vendor, family, }
  { model and stepping.  The use of the CPUID instruction used }
  { in this program can be used for B0 and later steppings }
  { of the P5 processor. }
   db 66h          { mov eax, 1 }
   mov ax, 1       { set up for CPUID instruction }
   dw 0
   db 66h          { cpuid }
   db 0Fh          { Hardcoded opcode for CPUID instruction }
   db 0a2h
   db 66h          { and eax, 0F00H }
   and ax, 0F00H   { mask everything but family }
   dw 0
   db 66h          { shr eax, 8 }
   shr ax, 8       { shift the cpu type down to the low byte }
   sub ax, 1       { subtract 1 to map to TCpuType }

   pop ds

function CpuTypeString: String;
  kind: TCpuType;
  kind := CpuType;
  case kind of
    Result := '8086';
    Result := '80286';
    Result := '386';
    Result := '486';
    Result := 'Pentium';
    { Try to be flexible for future cpu types, e.g., P6. }
    Result := Format('P%d', [Ord(kind)]);


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